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2008-03-10 03:13:52
Last author: tarashton
Owner: Firenze
# of watchers: 19
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2006-10-25 [Firenze]: Lovely photography Sarah, tis a shame, I can't get anyone else just to submit...

2006-10-25 [sequeena_rae]: *slaps them* Calls for a note in ze diary me thinks :P

2006-10-25 [Firenze]: lol, that would be awesome if you would ^_^

Und I think your cat looks adorable like that ^_^

2006-10-25 [sequeena_rae]: I will :D

Aww thank you, it's rare for me to get such a good photo as that ^^

2006-10-25 [Firenze]: Thank you ^_^

Indeed, well it is really no condition for me to get any photos done at the moment as it is piddling it down with rain 'ere. May take photos of what my house looks like lol ^_^

2006-10-25 [sequeena_rae]: You may aswell! xD

2006-10-25 [Firenze]: Aye but will have to clean house first 0.o

2006-10-25 [sequeena_rae]: Uh oh xD

2006-10-25 [Firenze]: lol, it is only one room that needs blitzing in this house and that is my room...the rest I have cleaned today.

2006-10-25 [sequeena_rae]: Tut tut xD

2006-10-25 [Firenze]: I hate my room being tidy...clean for a living but hate cleaning my room...

2006-10-25 [sequeena_rae]: xD but why?

2006-10-25 [Firenze]: Because I don't like it is my room, I live in it and no one else comes in it, so uh I see no point.

2006-10-25 [sequeena_rae]: xD Fair :P

2006-10-25 [sequeena_rae]: *snicker* I love it [Kyrinn] xD

2006-10-25 [Firenze]: lol, just took a photo of two cameras I have restored and one that needs restoring.

2006-10-25 [Kyrinn]: *grin* thanks, Squee. My son is jumping up and down beside me with excitement over it, lol

2006-10-25 [Firenze]: I will be putting it on my house on the 28th October ^_^

2006-10-25 [sequeena_rae]: Bweee hiya [Kyrinn]'s little boy XP

2006-10-25 [Kyrinn]: Yay!!! *hugs* Thanks so much! :D I hope I remember that date, lol

2006-10-25 [Firenze]: I will send a message to you, to remind you ^_^

2006-10-25 [Teufelsweib]: oh, sorry, forgot the name ^^;

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